Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nashville Counts to Benefit flood victims

A few months ago, I was contacted by Vadis Turner, a New York based artist originally from Nashville. My friend Andy Perez passed along my name to her. Vadis extended an invitation to me and 19 other Nashville based artists to participate in a Hands on Nashville art Benefit and sale in the form of a children's counting book entitled Nashville Counts! This book created by Vadis Turner and Matthew Parker will raise funds for flood relief. The book partners cultural and historical facts about Nashville with Nashville artists who have created original works to illustrate the pages. All of the original art in the book will be sold at the Rymer Gallery in an upcoming silent auction on Saturday, November 27th from 6:30-8:30pm. 50% of the silent auction sales will go to flood victims through Hands on Nashville. I chose to illustrate the new pink flamingo exibit (20 of them!) that recently arrived at the Nashville Zoo. Half way into the project I began to ask myself why I chose the number 20?! All that to say I am very pleased with the outcome and please come by and check out the show if you can.

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