Monday, February 21, 2011

"Layer" for Illustration Friday

I created this piece for PASTE Magazine's album review section last year and thought it might be a good fit for this weeks topic on Illustration Friday . . . "layer"


  1. Too cool- love the broken records for his hat!

  2. Way cool! Excellent use of materials. I love the layeredness of it.

  3. Thank you, fellow illustration Friday(er's) !!!

  4. Man, Wayne, to say this is jaw-dropping is a bit of an understatement. I've been on a blog-commenting hiatus, but I'm back in the game. This rules so much.

    I did a cut out and tried to channel you when I made it (it's the last post on my front page). I'm no Wayne Brezinka, but you did inspire me pretty heavily!

    I'm happy to see you've been busy. That's always a good thing! Keep on making these awesome cut-out collages. They're amazing, dude!

    Chelsea :)
