Thursday, September 22, 2011

The National Book Festival

2 weeks ago I received a call from Carrie Lyle at the Washington Post asking if I'd be interested in illustrating the cover of the Book World section. The project turned out to be a full-color cover illustration used for their special 12-page edition regarding the National Book Festival. They were looking for something fun that suggested books/words/reading as well as a sense of place (it's held on the DC National Mall). Carrie mentioned afterwards that the section editor loved the cover and that The Library of Congress folks did e-mail to say they liked it as well. Whew!!! . . . Hard to top that. I am very grateful for this opportunity! Thank you, Carrie.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog which has led me to your amazing and inspiring collage work. Beautiful !
