Friday, March 8, 2013

On the cover of Health Leaders Magazine

Health Leaders Magazine cover image. The article is about hospitals revamping/reshaping/reviewing their service lines (heart and vascular, oncology women’s health, geriatrics, etc.) to better meet the times and their specific demographics, as well as for financial and market gains. The general concept/themes to consider were: Back to the drawing board, Changing vision/mission, Address current fragmentation of care coordination to achieve better care, Get rid of waste, Finance angle, Address technology issues/needs & Internal as well as an external reviews of processes and procedures to better address patients needs and local competition. As I worked up the sketch that was chosen . . . I kept thinking to myself . . . "they will never pick this, they will never pick this" and much to my surprise they picked it and they love the outcome. I love it when it works this way!

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